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Girl With Difficulty in Passing Urine


A 1.5 year old girl was brought with complaints of dribbling of urine, pain while passing urine and redness near urinary opening.
She was seen elsewhere and the parents were told that the child has an absent vagina. She came to us for second opinion.
On examination- the child had a condition called "Labial Adhesions" where the inner parts of skin of vulva get fused due to some local infection. This gives the false impression of absent vaginal opening. As the urine is not fully passed outside, this can lead to urinary infections and local infections.
A short procedure was performed in outpatient department and these adhesions were separated. Importance of keeping the area clean was stressed and a hormonal ointment was prescribed for local application. At 2 weeks follow-up, the child had normal looking vaginal opening and the parents were overjoyed.

Fig1: Clinical picture showing labial adhesions

Fig 2: After treatment -normal looking female 





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