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Minimal Access Surgery (MAS) in Children
Minimal Access Surgery (MAS) in Children
Traditionally, Surgery involved making large cuts over the abdomen or chest to enter into these cavities & operate on the internal organs. Obviously, this type of surgery was associated with a lot of pain & discomfort to the child. The wounds took a long time to heal during which period the child could not move or play. Finally, the large, ugly scars resulted in psychologic issus & poor body image for the child.
Minimal Access Surgery (MAS, otherwise called 'Keyhole surgery') has revolutionalized both adult & pediatric surgery in the new millennium. Here, the same operations are performed by inserting small (3 to 5 millimeter size) instruments into body cavities either thru natural body orifices or thru tiny holes made on the chest or abdomen. A small but powerful telescope shows a magnified view of the internal organs (10-15 times magnified) projected on to a screen. The operation is carried out by small, delicate, special instruments. The advantages of MAS are
- Magnified view during surgery, hence more accurate surgery (especially in babies & children where the organs are very small)
- Minimal postoperative pain only
- Early recovery, early feeding
- Early return to full activity & early discharge
- The most minimal scar
- Greatly reduced chance of wound complications (like infection & wound breakdown which are common in open surgery)
- Less of post-operative adhesions
- Less long-term psychologic issues associated with scar
Laparoscopic operations in children (General Pediatric Surgery)
- Appendicectomy (including complicated appendicitis)
- Herniotomy
- Orchiopexy for nonpalpable undescended testis
- Laparoscopic intussusception reduction
- Pyloromyotomy for IHPS
- Fundoplication
- Heller-Dor operation for Achalasia
- Laparoscopic Ladd’s procedure for malrotation
- Choledochal cyst excision & reconstruction
- Laparoscopic Cystogastrostomy for pancreatic Pseudocyst
- Meckel’s diverticulectomy
- Ovarian cystectomy (including neonates)
- Diagnostic procedures and biopsies
- Laparoscopic assisted Pull-Thru operations for Hirschprung's Disease & Anoractal Malformations
- Cholecystectomy
- Splenectomy
MAS Operations in Pediatric Urology
- Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty (We have done over 150 lap pyeloplasties in infants & children as young as 1 month & 3Kg wt)
- Laparoscopic Nephrectomy/Nephroureterectomy (to remove a nonfunctioning kidney)
- Laparoscopic Ureteric Reimplantation
- Laparoscopic Pyelolithotomy (removal of kidney stones)
- Cystoscopic Fulguration of PUV (including neonates)
- Cystoscopic Deflux injection for Vesicoureteric reflux (VUR)
MAS in thoracic surgery in children
Thoracoscopic repair of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Thoracoscopic repair of Diaphragmatic Eventration
- Thoracoscopic repair of mediastinal cysts (Duplication cysts & Bronchogenic cysts)
- Thoracoscopic biopsy of mediastinal masses
- Thoracoscopic Lung Biopsy
- Thoracoscopic Aortopexy
- Bronchoscopy for removal of Foreign bodies in the airway & BAL procedures